
Year in Evaluation 2012: Best MMO

The competition inside the MMO genre has never been as close or as numerous then it was in 2012. Despite the fact that plenty of studios produced genuinely astonishing games this year, no other game produced the same experience as 'Guild Wars 2′.

ArenaNet & NCsoft set out adjust the way players experienced an MMO, and although that achievement could be argued, the quality & gameplay-experience that is identified inside 'Guild Wars 2′ is really a astonishing achievement. Guild Wars 2 offers the same easy format that many MMOs follow, but inside the easy framework of the game, comes a fantastic journey that allows players to experience the world of Tyria first hand & like never before.

Within Guild Wars two players have the opportunity to explore a beautifully crafted world, & if your strategy can handle the strain, the graphics & artistic detail found within the characters, landscape and architecture are truly extraordinary. The dynamic event procedure that was woven into the Guild Wars 2 gold game brings the entire world alive right in front of the player, most often once you least anticipate it. Though the events lose their "excitement" after they are experienced for the first time, that first moment you're casually exploring the farms outside the city walls & an invading band of Centaurs attacks your home, leaving you plus the adventures around you to fend them off, is something that you will bear in mind.

I am a enormous stickler for character customization & discovering a personal connection within an MMO. If I cannot create a persona that I honestly can connect with, then I feel there's no point in playing. I do not mean a duplication of myself yet with super-powers, I mean I desire to make the perfect alter-ego for this particular game. Guild Wars 2 offers an fantastic character creation technique, complete with motive and backstory. The solutions which are presented to you in the game are well thought out and especially distinctive. As I entered into the world of Tyria for the very first time, I had years of previous experiences from my character buzzing by way of my head. What would make a noble who had everything at her fingertips turn to a life as thief? Why did I want to blend in so badly, but not want be anonymous in combat? What took place to me the day my sister was killed by those Centaurs? These were the questions I set out to answer all before I even began the game, now that is an remarkable character creation strategy for an MMO.

I enjoyed the truth that I may load up the game, play by myself and essentially continue my story without the need of a core group. Although other MMOs offer this style of gameplay, ArenaNet genuinely makes it possible for players to be as extroverted or as introverted as they wish. The combat in Guild Wars 2 is a lot of the fastest & 'action-based' on the market. Players aren't just standing nonetheless and hammering away at macros and keys (however that is possible) it plays more like a third-individual action game. I was impressed at how fluid the combat controls were, as I was dodging attacks & ripping via abilities so early in the game there were times that the game played more like an RPG than an MMO.

While it is not a requirement, I need to mention that the game works on each Computer and Macs. This really is something that other MMOs have achieved though when I say "works" on a Mac, I mean runs wonderfully even on a Macbook Pro 2011 late edition. I know that Macs are still only beginning their journey into the gaming world having said that it is encouraging to see developers take them seriously & offer a choice to gw2 gold players and their friends.

It's the perfectly crafted artistic vision and the impeccably developed gameplay that turned Guild Wars 2 into an extraordinary MMO, although it is the technical understanding of a altering economy and a better understanding of what gamers want from an MMO that turned the series into a global franchise.


GW2: update on 12/25/2012 + News WvW ranking on 21.12.2012

Just before Christmas ArenaNet presented last weekend to get the current World vs. World ranking for Guild Wars 2 is available. In addition, the game has been updated during the previous night, to fix various exploits and bugs.

Last night took ArenaNet appear before an update in Guild Wars 2. Patch notes published by the developer not, however, was announced via Twitter that the game is to eliminate various exploits and bugs has been updated.

Just before Christmas Gameplay Programmer Habib Loew company also provided the current WvW ranking as at 21.12.2012 is available. Who among European worlds currently has the edge, you look directly in the following statistics. If you, too, the U.S. worlds interested, you can find an appropriate graphic on the official forum of the gw2 gold game.


Update Notes for December 21, 2012


Changed the “Toypocalypse Cancelled” achievement so that only one gift dolyak needs to survive the activity instead of all five.

Fixed an issue that prevented Pop Guns from playing the correct audio and visual effects.

Toymaker Tixx’s Chests have been removed. Instead, all Guild Wars 2 gold players will receive an in-game mail containing the Wintersday finale one-time rewards upon logging in during the Wintersday event. Please note: only one reward will be given per account.

Fixed a bug in Winter Wonderland that would occasionally cause players to be teleported to Lion’s Arch on success.


Fixed an exploit that allowed players to bypass walls in the East Keep in the borderlands to get into the keep lord room.

Also saw this note from a couple days ago that I don't think got mentioned in the other update threads...

The gate to Arah in Cursed Shore will now only be closed when events directly in front of it are active.


Top 25 games of 2012: 10-6

And so we are into the top ten of our Christmas countdown, from Xbox 360's Fez to Spelunky

Hello once more, and welcome to the penultimate section of our festive countdown. There have already been complaints that plenty of of our choices so far have actually been rather - let's say - obscure. We disagree, although I'm not sure those folks are going to be much happier with numbers ten to six...

For everybody else, this choice proves a key theme of 2012: this was the year indie stepped up and claimed a central role in the industry. At least 4 of the following gw2 gold games were part of that.

Once again I have been helped out by our common contributors, whose names crop up in brackets after each entry.

Guild Wars 2 (Personal computer)

Guild Wars 2 lets players play together without having to speak to each other. Dynamic events all through the online fantasy world sees teams of warriors spontaneously forming to deal with enemy threats, plus a removal of the regular class roles (big chap, sneaky chap, magic chap, medic) makes groups both easy & fun to be a part of. Up till now, World of Warcraft has been the benchmark for MMOs; it is suddenly looking rather old fashioned subsequent to this. (Grant Howitt)


Guild Wars 2 demolishes bot population, 34,000 accounts terminated

The mass banning is "a decisive blow" in the battle against the bots, mentioned Mike Lewis, Guild Wars 2's security coordinator. The accounts were culled in November after reports of bots were being submitted as often as 2,000 times an hour. This figure has now dropped to around 20. Is humanity safe?

In a news update, Lewis said his team had "been seriously pursuing the botting issue since the launch of the game" by collecting and examining data to see which players behaved like genuine gw2 gold players and which acted more like would-be mechanical overlords who wanted to overthrow the human race and crush them beneath their titanium heels.

Even so, Lewis went on to convey that the process of data analysis had been automated, which sounds to me like the robots are now in charge of this. Is this wise? No! For sure it's not! You fools! You've put the power in their hands!

"Aided by our analysis tools," he continued, "GMs are in a position to react quickly and effectively to bot reports and terminate offending accounts in brief order." Terminate? Terminate?

Wait, I do not think he's killing bots at all.

I think he's 1 of them.

Buy Guild Wars 2 gold at gw2gold.net.


Guild Wars 2 trailer spotted in The Hobbit previews

Should you are just now crawling out of bed to check on your preferred MMO news, chances are you attended a midnight showing of the newly released The Hobbit movie (I know I did!). & if so, then you may bear in mind a slightly surprising trailer mixed among all the other film previews: an MMORPG! Even so, it isn't the Tolkein tie-in you can expect (i.e., Lord of the Rings Online); instead, moviegoers packing the theaters to immerse themselves in more Middle-earth will see a immense advertisement for none other than Guild Wars 2 splashed across the display. Speak about reaching a wide audience!

While several Hugely staff noted that the trailer was not available before their non-three-D version of the film, others (which includes yours genuinely) can confirm it was certainly shown. Could the trailer be region-based, or is it potentially only shown in three-D? All you Hobbit watchers out there, let us know in case you saw the trailer in the poll beneath. And for people that didn't have the chance to see it, you can catch it after the break!

Buy guild wars 2 gold at gw2gold.net.


Guild Wars 2:Forcing players to PvP for World Completion

If I re-gear myself for WvW and start fighting then, wait...... I will be PvPing and ArenaNet scheme to force PvP on us would have succeeded...  Not going to happen.

As a matter of principle, why should I be forced to play the game in the way that I dislike?  Why should PvEers be FORCED into PvP?

So... is someone from Anet pointing a gun on your head saying you must do world map completion?

I do not agree it should be regarded as a PvE-only activity.

Or could I also complain that I am forced to run a dungeon I hate because the skin I want most is found only there?

Of course there is also the issue of the current reward, which is tuned accordingly with such perceived difficulty in wvw maps in mind, intended to reward the all round gw2 gold player who completes it.

The objection is to being forced into pvp is both obvious and sensible for both sides.

Yes I do intend to eventually do pvp  however for now I have one reason to enter wvw and that is to tame a Wolf, this is the only part of the game where they can be obtained.
Suppose you are in wvw trying to beat another server and half the players on your side are off busy exploring maps capping wolves and dying rather than forming part of a cohesive group trying to actually win, wouldnt you find that annoying.
If you take away the need for players to enter wvw for other than actually playing wvw its unlikely to happen

Dungeons and WVW in gw2 are very dependant on having the current favoured class and build in the first case and happening to be on a server with good players actively playing wvw in the second.

Both those cases are a sad reflection on anet for allowing them to happen.

WVW based on server vs server is flawed and will need to change or will die off and take a good number of players with it.
Dungeons too will need some changes as they are badly organised.

The rest of the game is fine as all players have equal access to it.

Lame. Posting. Kind. Sir. (sorry I understand you, but kind of tired seeing the divisional posts and knocks on forcing people to play one way or the other). I will try to be constructive though ...

This goes side by side with WvW players ticked about fractals (and WvW players do have to do them because of that 8% increase to overall stats). I get your point though, you  don't want to enter into the world at all. Ever. Because you chose to only PvE. I would have enjoyed not having to go in either, I mean come on, those points are hard for keeps and towers you do not own. But I want my legendary, so I WvW (besides I enjoy it). Not everyone does, and I wouldn't expect them too.

Likewise I find it silly that PvP and WvW players have to do hosts of items in the PvE world for a legendary. End result is it's the gw2 gold player choosing what to do. You sound like a completionist at heart. I respect that, and while getting 'ganked' will happen in WvW ... it will happen less if you only do the points as your world owns them. Makes it a easy fast run, and check. Keep locations in EB for example swap every week. Just some thought, but you also sound as if your closing in to the end and patience have worn thin. My suggestion, if you just want it done? ... Be honest in your world's chat, and /map chat for a party and ask for some help. In one 'karma train' (even though its not much karma, there is a cycle that will eliminate all the outer supply camps. Then its just towers and keeps.

Also while you are doing this you can express your dissappointment through to Anet, on their forums. Your not alone in this arguement, but many who are not so one sided (either pvp or pve) would look at the postings as a person whining and contributing very little. I think you are frusterated, and if you were on Darkhaven, I'd help you get most of them in a day.

It will be very hard to power through the WvW PoI's as some of the base keeps in EB may not even flip at all across the week. So I would just do what you can once ... powering through the easy stuff, then just map in and check when you are in LA, and have second.

I was exactly in your shoes when I was doing my 100%, and only after I had got the point's grown hugely interested into WvW. When first stepping in, and getting slaughtered because you really don't get it, it's upsetting. (someone who doesn't go in WvW wouldn't know about the current enemy habits, nor where it would be safe to go. Remember many of us WvW players leverage voice comm, continually and have a good understanding of the full map always).

Best tips, group up... safety in numbers. It's a gang mentality out there. Know your color and the enemy colors (press your b button, its shaded behind it)... start with your borderlands and hitting the towers and keeps you own (these flop all the time), usually you will have the heaviest and free reign here. Do it during your servers prime time. Don't wait till the end of the night, because thats usually another servers morning.

By ALL means when you check the map, AVOID THE ORANGE SWORDS. That is battle territory, and likely zerg territory. If you have the chance to join in a zerg of your world, do it. If you see map chat saying 'Rally on me, we're going to take garrison, (or stone mist in EB)' ... join them. Stay in the back, away from the front, and just get your points and get the heck out.

IGN: Xgammon (if by chance you are Darkhaven)


Patch notes from 06.12.2012 - emergency patch fixes several bugs

ArenaNet led by an emergency service at Guild Wars 2 Last night,various problems are in the course of fixed in the gw2 gold game. The corresponding patch notes developer asked available now.

As part of the latest updates went ArenaNet various bugs in the game. Should the fractal rock wall in the dungeon of fog fractals now no longer occur, for example, the problem is that the sectarians is not reset correctly when the group was completely destroyed in the raid boss.

Bugfixes, there were also certain player transformations and the thief ability "stealing". For more information you can learn directly in the patch notes following:

Update (12/06/2012)

Cliff: A problem has been fixed where the sect was not reset correctly when the group was destroyed (by 10 + scale) when fully raid boss.

Certain player transformations were adapted so that they do not remove the property-related bonuses, when they are activated.

Weapons, the bandit pickpockets get through their skill "stealing" are now consumed correctly when they use the appropriate skill, which grants them the stolen weapon.

Earlier this week, went to Guild Wars 2 is already an extensive update online in which ArenaNet Others numerous bugs remedied at events and undertook modifications to the Black Lion chests. You learn more about this in the patch notes from 03.12.2012!(source)


Guild Wars 2:Layoffs hit Guild Wars 2 publisher

It looks like there have been some redundancies at Guild Wars 2 publisher NCsoft’s Seattle offices.

“NCsoft is realigning internal publishing resources to better suit the needs of our gw2 gold game development studios,” the company’s PR director Lincoln Davis told PC Gamer.

“As a result of the realignment, several employees and contract positions were affected. This was a very tough decision to make and wish the best for all NCsoft employees in their next ventures.”

The extent of the restructure and possible effect – if any – on Guild Wars 2 is unknown at this stage.

Earlier this year, following a 12 per cent dip in revenue for the publisher, NCsoft liquidated City of Heroes studio Paragon and closed that gw2 gold game’s servers.

In September, the company reported that Guild Wars 2 had sold over two million copies.


Guild Wars 2: Compensation for many players

The "Lost Coast" event in Guild Wars 2 was for many players a bust. ArenaNet now promised compensation.

It should be one of the first major events in the history of Guild Wars 2 will be ended and for many players with a flop. At the event around "The Lost Coast" had the hero of Guild Wars 2 contest various phases of a mission, and for the finale, the last day of the event, meet a big boss fight. However, it helps too many disconnects, which many gw2 gold players at the end of the loot box could not plunder and therefore ran out empty. Of course, this was not just those affected received and led to harsh criticism. ArenaNet announced yesterday Mélanie Corolleur but the official forums that all players by connection problems had no access to the spoils of the event, to be compensated in the next week for that. Whether they wrote a ticket or not.

"Thank you for your patience while we the problem is that while the" have Lost Coast "events occurred, viewed again. We can confirm that we have all the loot was not the case, get a reward for their participation be. all affected players will get this reward, regardless of whether they have written to the service or not. Expected We work very hard at this solution and you should get in the next week your rewards via in-game mail. "

Buy guild wars 2 gold at gw2gold.net.


GW2 Behind The Scenes

ArenaNet's Cameron Dunn discusses technical challenges in creating Tyria

If you can't get enough buy Guild Wars 2 gold and like taking a peek behind the curtain to see how your favorite game is made, this one's for you.

GDC Vault is a treasure trove of information, collected over years of presentations from Game Developer's Conferences held around the world. While most content is available only to past GDC attendees, they also release a smattering of great stuff for free.

The latest entry in the free column is a talk by ArenaNet programmer Cameron Dunn entitled "Guild Wars 2: Programming the Next Generation Online World." He gave his talk last month at GDC Online in Austin, and it's a real treat to watch.

Buy gw2 gold at gw2gold.net.


Guild Wars 2: ArenaNet reflect on Lost Shores event, reveals future plans

Guild Wars 2 saw The Lost Shores event kick off last week to a range of technical issues, and developer ArenaNet has discussed the event’s performance in a new blog update, as well as laying out the studio’s next objectives for the game. Check out what they had to say below.

PCGamesN reports that ArenaNet’s production team head Chris Whiteside thanked the game’s fans, “We’re very excited about the new content, and from the reactions we have seen, so are many of you. gw2 gold players have already spent an incredible amount of time in the new Fractals dungeon, and their reaction to it has been phenomenal.

“A lot of players really enjoyed the trailblazing aspect of unveiling the new Southsun Cove map, specifically the feeling of discovery and being part of the land grab. Having said that, we’re also aware that there were certain aspects of the event that could have worked better than they did.

“At ArenaNet, we always try to push the boundaries of how we build online worlds, and we thank you for your patience and collaboration as we pioneer into unknown territories. We’ve seen people saying that they really liked the principle of using events to unveil new content, but we need to tighten up the methods by which they are deployed.

“We take these comments to heart, as it is our goal to always deliver content of the highest quality.”

What new content you ask? Well Whiteside also revealed a list of objectives the ArenaNet team will tackle going forward, including the studio’s frequently suggested attempt at tapping into the eSports sector. It’s coming.

Here’s the full list of objectives:

Revamping all of our existing dungeons (Story and Explorable versions) through rebalance and overhauled encounters.
Adding new dungeons to the Fractal of the Mists.
Adding more variation to creatures, enhancing our open world scaling system, as well as evolving many events and experiences across Tyria.
Fixing and improving existing content throughout the game, and better tying it into the overall sense of player progression within Guild Wars 2.
Building on the Southsun Cove’s persistent content.
Adding new Guild content and Guild progression features.
Continuing to evolve PvP into an E-sport
Adding brand new content to World vs. World as well as adding new reward progression.
Continuing to build upon the story and adventures of buy Guild Wars 2 gold .


Guild Wars 2: only two employees working on PvP? - Developer clears confusion in forum

The forum Guild Wars 2 developers write down everything of interest to the community. But sometimes it can lead to confusion. When it seemed as if only two developers on balancing PvP and buy Guild Wars 2 gold work, explains game designer Jonathan Sharp to this false position now.

Some time ago was game designer Jon Peters made a statement in the Forum of Guild Wars 2, which provided for confused faces. Game designer Jonathan Sharp explains the confusion now. By Jon Peters' post participated in some players that currently are only two people on the balance of PvP and Guild Wars would work the second The Jon Peters said, however, quite different from what has occurred in the community over. To rectify this misinformation, Jonathan Sharp gives an insight into the development studio and explains who is working on what.

Shall work in PvP, WvW and Balance Team of course more than just two people. Behind the scenes of ArenaNet sit many programmers and designers that are used in various fields. For PvP and WvW there one team of programmers, designers and many others. While some changes for an entire team is needed, you need to change only two other people. So it is for example possible to design a card on their own for the PvP, which is then again brought into play by a different developer.

For the team behind the game balance of Guild Wars 2, it also requires some other people. Changes and innovations are developed, tested and delivered to different teams. Relates to a balance adjustment, the PvP, this change ends up forcibly in PvP team, amendment the WvW, it lands sometime in WvW team until everyone is satisfied. Alongside these major groups, the heads of the respective teams meet in a meeting where a lot of changes will be discussed and talked about the problems and interests of the community.

Jonathan Sharp is betting that the contribution to be able to pick up the confusion in the forum, and to show the community how run the entire developments. Finally, he says that even if you notice no change once, it does not mean that there was no change. The developers can not relate any changes to individual players and tries to make as many players as possible happy. Whoever is still confused, can the Forum of Guild Wars 2 See the rest of the postings by Jonathan Sharp. For more information about the gw2 gold game can be found on our topic page for Guild Wars 2 Please also visit our partner site Wartower for more news about Guild Wars 2.


Guild Wars 2 Free Trial Event is Live – Invite a Friend

From the Guild Wars 2 official report that free trial event has begin now, invite your friend and go now!

Our free trial event is now live and it’s not too late to invite a friend to experience Guild Wars 2 for free!

Trial gw2 gold players who upgrade to a full Guild Wars 2 account before the free trial ends at 10:00 PM PST (7:00 AM CET Nov 19) on November 18, will receive a bonus Booster Multipack, a handy in-game item packed with handy consumable boosters.

Inviting a friend is easy: just log in to your Guild Wars Account at https://account.guildwars2.com/, click on the “Invite a Friend” button and follow the instructions.


Guild Wars 2 - The Lost Shores

ArenaNet has announced a new event for Guild Wars 2, which is already taking place in a few days. "The Lost Shores" should therefore be a unique event and change the world of Tyria sustainable.Buy guild wars 2 gold players will compete in a brand new island with a new monster species, which provides a sneak peek teaser video.

The Lost Shores held from 16 to 18 November 2012 instead.


Guild Wars 2 - Free trial version is available from Monday

ArenaNet has announced in the official Guild Wars 2 Forum these days that "The Lost Coast" one in the course of the upcoming content update will also provide a free trial option is available, invite your friends, and to enjoy at this gw2 gold game.

The "Invite a friend" option from Monday, November 12th. You can play with three players. During "The Lost Coast" events of 15 to 18 November play for free. Further information and details ArenaNet will announce yet, once the action starts - no later than Monday. In the meantime you can ever think about who you would like to send an invitation.

To participate in the campaign, you need a playable Guild Wars 2 account, before the 6th November (08:59 CET) was created.


GW2: Mobile Authenticator problems? ArenaNet is clear

Since early October, players can secure their Guild Wars 2 account with the so-called two-factor authentication for mobile devices. In the course of the log must be a six-digit number to be entered, which is obtained via the free app. Starting this week,buy guild wars 2 gold players watched now that they are partly at login no longer be asked for this number. ArenaNet also commented on this behavior and was now clear.

The Forum Players reported since the update from 05.11.2012 that they are no longer needed as before at each login to the six-digit number, but can log in without a code. Security Coordinator Mike Lewis also commented on the topic now and calmed the player first, by emphasizing that the accounts are still protected by the mobile authentication.

But how did it come to this changed behavior now? Lewis says they've developed "Save this network" is a function of the mobile device authentication, which is compliant with the network settings feature of e-mail authentication. This feature was enabled during the update from 05.11.2012.

With each account to which had already been selected for a network noted the Mobile Authenticator would respect this setting now. It is therefore a log from a single location, which you have stored on the e-mail authentication already, no number input would be unnecessary. The account is still protected by the mobile authentication still prevent access from unverified sites.

Currently there is not yet have a user interface that you could manage your wishlist networks. Lewis advises all gw2 gold players to have to remember it by networks over the e-mail and exercise in the near future on the mobile authentication caution. The complete article you can read on the official forum of the game!


Guilded: Top Ten Things To Do After Level 80

Level 80 is the ultimate ding in Guild Wars 2. What's next? The hollow existential silence that reverberates after a Tibetan prayer bell? Or is this when the party starts? My Engineer just hit level 80 in the icy waters of Frostgorge Sound, which officially puts me into the endgame. Since I no longer have the convenient draw of the next level to pull me through buy Guild Wars 2 gold , why would I keep playing? Glad you asked. Here are the top 10 things I'm looking forward to doing after you're level 80.

Elite Skills

The benefits of leveling up don't end at 80! Hitting the level cap won't unlock all your skills. Fortunately, you're still earning experience points as you play. As you fight, explore, quest, and craft, you still fill that bar at the bottom of the screen. Each time it gets full, you earn another skill point. You'll need a bunch more of these to get your expensive elite skills, which are determined by your choice of class and race. For me to get an Engineer's mortar and a charr's bazooka, I've got about 40 faux levels to go. 

Get More Skill Points

I can also get skill points by doing the skill point challenges in the world, displayed on the map as chevrons. These are a bit like collectibles or hidden coins, but you have to work for them. They're guarded by bosses or jumping puzzles or even riddles. Open your map. Look at all those hollow chevrons waiting to be collected! Every one of them brings me that much closer to my mortar and bazooka.

Skill points are the currency that buys special items for the Mystic Forge.8) Spend Skill Points

Okay, so looking ahead into the future when I'm merrily mortaring and bazookaing my way through the world, I'm still not done with skill points. Skill points are the currency that buys special items for the Mystic Forge. You know the Mystic Forge, don't you? It's like a cross between a Horadric Cube, a lottery-ticket dispenser, and a treasure-eating trash compactor. It hates you. You throw perfectly good stuff into it and it usually spits out junk. Except for those rare times it spits out something useful. Which means you're foolish enough to keep throwing in perfectly good stuff. But the key to the Mystic Forge is the stuff you can buy from Miyani in Lion's Arch, and she'll only sell it for skill points.


Guild Wars 2, role-playing game ever

One of the best multiplayer role-playing games ever. This is a summary of Guild Wars 2, an experience fantasy without limits to the imagination and the situations they face: the world in which you are to move and grow your character is huge, and it can appear confusing. But the epic of Guild Wars 2 or more simply the number of things to do and see wins of any doubt. The game world immediately catches and appears different from that provided by competing products. Sometimes there is some "bug" out but nothing that disturbs the adventure and the missions, however rich overhead tasks to accomplish. Much appreciated the fact that the game does not require subscriptions to be addressed, but only the purchase price. The fund technical level, but a well-equipped PC it certainly helps. In the final Guild Wars 2 is one of the best Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Games have never been published and is recommended to fans of the genre but also to novices.

Tags: gw2 gold;buy guild wars 2 gold


GW2: Guild Wars 2 reserved names released on 08/11/2012

Prior to the release of Guild Wars 2, players had to have the opportunity to choose their character names from Guild Wars for Guild Wars book second Even then, ArenaNet announced that remain not been utilized names permanently reserved. Now, the developer also gave a precise date is known, where all unclaimed names are released.

How ArenaNet announced now on the official website of Guild Wars 2, are reserved and unused names from Guild Wars! Next Thursday, the released 08.11.2012 by 23 clock

You have reserved a name from Guild Wars and not created a character with this? Then you should tackle this now, before it's too late. If you are waiting on the other hand, a reserved name, the wait is almost over.

Tags: buy guild wars 2 gold;gw2 gold


Guild Wars 2 : FOV changes and beta test

We’re ready to beta test a change to our FOV (Field of View) that should provide a better experience for those with widescreen monitors. We want your feedback about the change to help us decide whether to deploy it to all gw2 gold players.

To help test, you’ll need to add a special command line to your GW2 client’s shortcut. Here’s how:

1) Create a shortcut to your GW2 client (right-click -> “Create Shortcut”)
2) Right-click the GW2 client shortcut
3) Click “Properties”
4) Locate text field labeled “Target.”
It should contain the file path of your shortcut, and will look something like this:C:\Games\Gw2\Gw2.exe
5) Type -testVerticalFov at the end of the Target line
Be sure to include a space between .exe and -test.
The line should look like this: C:\Games\Gw2\Gw2.exe -testVerticalFov
Please note that your Target line may or may not have quotation marks. If it does have quotation marks, this tag should go outside of them. So it will look like this:
“C:\Games\Gw2\Gw2.exe” -testVerticalFov
6) Once the command line has been added, click Apply -> OK.
7) That’s it! Jump in and play with this new setting, and post your feedback in the following thread: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/foru...rst#post551648

If at any time you want to return to the old FOV, simply remove the –testVerticalFov from your target line and it’ll return to normal.

read this: http://goliterature.info/index.php?do=/blog/16938/arenanet-announcing-guild-wars-2-for-mac/


SteelSeries NCsoft and organize a special evening

To celebrate the release of Guild Wars 2 and its dedicated range of peripherals, SteelSeries and NCSsoft invite fans to join them for a wonderful evening, Friday, November 2 at the Space Opera Milk from 20H00. This evening called "GW2 - The ball beginners" will allow everyone to try the famous Guild Wars 2, to take charge of the mouse or the SteelSeries, both the image of Guild Wars 2. Throughout the evening will be lots of gw2 gold games and goodies will be distributed. Finally Legion War Legend will also go to share his knowledge with beginners and grow while having fun. On the occasion of this great community event, all players of Guild Wars 2 will bring a (e) € friend who does not know Tyria to share and to discover his favorite game. Participating is simple. Simply send an email to community_fr@ncsoft.com  before October 28, 2012 at midnight with the following information: • Title of the e-mail: Paris Games Week "GW2 - The ball beginners' • Your first and last name and your account name Guild Wars 2 • The full name of your friend (s) • The reason you want to discover the Guild Wars 2 (te) Friend (s). 60 "pairs" winners will be invited to participate in this very special event. Thank you note that only certain people can come to this event to the specified date are invited to participate. If a winning duo had to miss the event, he will face the ancestral dragons for a courtesy visit ...!


Guild Wars 2: changes to the structured PvP in October Update

In October update for Guild Wars 2 will come some changes and new features for the structured PvP. Among others, there are adjustments to the interface and for the paid tournaments.

At the start of Guild Wars 2, not all features of the structured PvP was so much that they made it into the gw2 gold game, but the developers of ArenaNet will gradually adding features to enhance the gaming mode. Thus, in future come to a few improvements to the fans of the structured PvP. Among other things there with the October update the qualifier points (QPs), over which the teams in the paid tournaments secure a place in the rankings. Thus, each member of the winning team receives a paid Tournament each a qualification point you bring in the rankings ahead. The new ranking also ensures that you have to the next tournament play against stronger opponents than before. Other features and changes to the qualifying points in Guild Wars 2 will come with a later update.

To allow players of buy Guild Wars 2 gold to make it even easier to find your way in PvP, the interface gets treated to a few changes. The tournament browser now shows you the map rotation and rewards for that tournament. In addition, you can via the crossed swords icon on the top left in your interface directly access your sPvP statistics. The table also points after each completed game to the ranks of the heroes. So you can you get a clearer picture of where you stand in sPvP and how well you've beaten you against other players. To other features and changes to the self-created arenas will still worked according to ArenaNet. All further information about Guild Wars 2, you'll find on gw2gold.net.


Will World Of Warcraft Get A Spectator Mode?

Many online games have spectator modes to allow you to watch the action without actually participating. World of Warcraft wow gold players have been clamoring for a similar feature, and this weekend Blizzard decided to respond. 

"Unfortunately as far as I’m aware we don’t have any current plans to implement such a feature any time soon, we know that some players have been asking for spectator mode to be added to arenas for quite a while now," said a dev post on the Battle.net forums. He added that this feature would require a lot of development time so the team would need to be certain that enough players want it before they work to implement it. 

There are potential spectator mode applications for both PvE and PvP. I'm sure plenty of people would love to watch raids, arenas, or ranked battlegrounds in real-time. It would be a good way to newbies to learn the ropes. Alternately, people sitting on standby for a raid wouldn't miss out on the experience. 

Still, spectator modes require certain controls. As one wow gold player points out on the forum thread, spectators leave open the possibility of unfair advantages. You would have a leg up in a battleground if you had a friend on Skype watching enemy movements. Likewise, imagine having a raid leader who's able to simply watch the fights and give instructions without having to worry about playing his own character. Another player suggested that the spectator mode have a short delay (like 20 seconds) to wipe out these advantages. Blizzard responded favorably to this suggestion. 


World of Warcraft avatars pirates kill during an attack

Hackers have launched an attack on several cities in World of Warcraft, killing avatars many players. Blizzard has already taken steps to ensure that such an operation could be repeated.

Hackers were killed in a surprise attack some fictional characters of the famous RPG Online World of Warcraft , said Monday, 8 October 2012 an official of the wow gold game "Earlier today (Monday) Some kingdoms were affected in a feat of arms by the death of characters active and non-active characters in some major cities, "said an official on a blog community of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment property. "This action has already been countered, so it can not be repeated. You can continue to play and venture safely in cities or elsewhere in Azeroth, "said the manager of avatar whose name is" Nethaera ". "We (the action) very seriously and are conducting a investigation, "she said. The company apologized to its users and asked anyone in possession of contact information. The attack began on Sunday, according to the members of the online forum WoW Insider. Approximately ten million people worldwide are subscribed to this network wow gold game, planted in a medieval fantasy world, where players are represented by characters such as dwarves, elves or humans. The new expansion World of Warcraft , released in late September, expands the universe of this production including adding a new continent and a new species resembling a panda .


WoW: kill video by Blood Legion will of the emperor in heroic 25-player mode

The U.S. Horde guild Blood Legion defeated the will of the Emperor, and thus completed the final boss of the Mogu'shangewölbes. Win it from your video is seen today.

With her win on Sunday, the WoW gold guild Blood Legion of US-Illidan server sat in fifth place of the World rankings in the current raid progress for Mists of Pandaria. The first guild of their realms, they defeated the will of the Emperor in heroic mode. Thus, they continue to remain in the top ten.

The will of the Emperor has been defeated only 14 guilds, 12 times in the 25-mode and twice in the 10 mode. Only last Saturday Method reached the "World First Kill" as a 25-raid group. That much of the guilds have is to report by 30 October wait until the next set is released to normal raids for wow gold players masses. Then the battle for the next World firsts goes to the next round.


Maine Republicans blast opponent for World of Warcraft play

LITTLETON, New Hampshire (Reuters) - A Maine Senate race has turned into a fight over trolls, dwarves and goblin-like creatures known as orcs.
In a mailing this week, state Republicans accused Democrat Colleen Lachowicz of living in a fantasy world and making "crude, vicious and violent comments" in online forums dedicated to World of Warcraft, a popular online wow gold game.