
Guild Wars 2: only two employees working on PvP? - Developer clears confusion in forum

The forum Guild Wars 2 developers write down everything of interest to the community. But sometimes it can lead to confusion. When it seemed as if only two developers on balancing PvP and buy Guild Wars 2 gold work, explains game designer Jonathan Sharp to this false position now.

Some time ago was game designer Jon Peters made a statement in the Forum of Guild Wars 2, which provided for confused faces. Game designer Jonathan Sharp explains the confusion now. By Jon Peters' post participated in some players that currently are only two people on the balance of PvP and Guild Wars would work the second The Jon Peters said, however, quite different from what has occurred in the community over. To rectify this misinformation, Jonathan Sharp gives an insight into the development studio and explains who is working on what.

Shall work in PvP, WvW and Balance Team of course more than just two people. Behind the scenes of ArenaNet sit many programmers and designers that are used in various fields. For PvP and WvW there one team of programmers, designers and many others. While some changes for an entire team is needed, you need to change only two other people. So it is for example possible to design a card on their own for the PvP, which is then again brought into play by a different developer.

For the team behind the game balance of Guild Wars 2, it also requires some other people. Changes and innovations are developed, tested and delivered to different teams. Relates to a balance adjustment, the PvP, this change ends up forcibly in PvP team, amendment the WvW, it lands sometime in WvW team until everyone is satisfied. Alongside these major groups, the heads of the respective teams meet in a meeting where a lot of changes will be discussed and talked about the problems and interests of the community.

Jonathan Sharp is betting that the contribution to be able to pick up the confusion in the forum, and to show the community how run the entire developments. Finally, he says that even if you notice no change once, it does not mean that there was no change. The developers can not relate any changes to individual players and tries to make as many players as possible happy. Whoever is still confused, can the Forum of Guild Wars 2 See the rest of the postings by Jonathan Sharp. For more information about the gw2 gold game can be found on our topic page for Guild Wars 2 Please also visit our partner site Wartower for more news about Guild Wars 2.

