
Guild Wars 2:Forcing players to PvP for World Completion

If I re-gear myself for WvW and start fighting then, wait...... I will be PvPing and ArenaNet scheme to force PvP on us would have succeeded...  Not going to happen.

As a matter of principle, why should I be forced to play the game in the way that I dislike?  Why should PvEers be FORCED into PvP?

So... is someone from Anet pointing a gun on your head saying you must do world map completion?

I do not agree it should be regarded as a PvE-only activity.

Or could I also complain that I am forced to run a dungeon I hate because the skin I want most is found only there?

Of course there is also the issue of the current reward, which is tuned accordingly with such perceived difficulty in wvw maps in mind, intended to reward the all round gw2 gold player who completes it.

The objection is to being forced into pvp is both obvious and sensible for both sides.

Yes I do intend to eventually do pvp  however for now I have one reason to enter wvw and that is to tame a Wolf, this is the only part of the game where they can be obtained.
Suppose you are in wvw trying to beat another server and half the players on your side are off busy exploring maps capping wolves and dying rather than forming part of a cohesive group trying to actually win, wouldnt you find that annoying.
If you take away the need for players to enter wvw for other than actually playing wvw its unlikely to happen

Dungeons and WVW in gw2 are very dependant on having the current favoured class and build in the first case and happening to be on a server with good players actively playing wvw in the second.

Both those cases are a sad reflection on anet for allowing them to happen.

WVW based on server vs server is flawed and will need to change or will die off and take a good number of players with it.
Dungeons too will need some changes as they are badly organised.

The rest of the game is fine as all players have equal access to it.

Lame. Posting. Kind. Sir. (sorry I understand you, but kind of tired seeing the divisional posts and knocks on forcing people to play one way or the other). I will try to be constructive though ...

This goes side by side with WvW players ticked about fractals (and WvW players do have to do them because of that 8% increase to overall stats). I get your point though, you  don't want to enter into the world at all. Ever. Because you chose to only PvE. I would have enjoyed not having to go in either, I mean come on, those points are hard for keeps and towers you do not own. But I want my legendary, so I WvW (besides I enjoy it). Not everyone does, and I wouldn't expect them too.

Likewise I find it silly that PvP and WvW players have to do hosts of items in the PvE world for a legendary. End result is it's the gw2 gold player choosing what to do. You sound like a completionist at heart. I respect that, and while getting 'ganked' will happen in WvW ... it will happen less if you only do the points as your world owns them. Makes it a easy fast run, and check. Keep locations in EB for example swap every week. Just some thought, but you also sound as if your closing in to the end and patience have worn thin. My suggestion, if you just want it done? ... Be honest in your world's chat, and /map chat for a party and ask for some help. In one 'karma train' (even though its not much karma, there is a cycle that will eliminate all the outer supply camps. Then its just towers and keeps.

Also while you are doing this you can express your dissappointment through to Anet, on their forums. Your not alone in this arguement, but many who are not so one sided (either pvp or pve) would look at the postings as a person whining and contributing very little. I think you are frusterated, and if you were on Darkhaven, I'd help you get most of them in a day.

It will be very hard to power through the WvW PoI's as some of the base keeps in EB may not even flip at all across the week. So I would just do what you can once ... powering through the easy stuff, then just map in and check when you are in LA, and have second.

I was exactly in your shoes when I was doing my 100%, and only after I had got the point's grown hugely interested into WvW. When first stepping in, and getting slaughtered because you really don't get it, it's upsetting. (someone who doesn't go in WvW wouldn't know about the current enemy habits, nor where it would be safe to go. Remember many of us WvW players leverage voice comm, continually and have a good understanding of the full map always).

Best tips, group up... safety in numbers. It's a gang mentality out there. Know your color and the enemy colors (press your b button, its shaded behind it)... start with your borderlands and hitting the towers and keeps you own (these flop all the time), usually you will have the heaviest and free reign here. Do it during your servers prime time. Don't wait till the end of the night, because thats usually another servers morning.

By ALL means when you check the map, AVOID THE ORANGE SWORDS. That is battle territory, and likely zerg territory. If you have the chance to join in a zerg of your world, do it. If you see map chat saying 'Rally on me, we're going to take garrison, (or stone mist in EB)' ... join them. Stay in the back, away from the front, and just get your points and get the heck out.

IGN: Xgammon (if by chance you are Darkhaven)

