
GW2 Colin Johanson explains differences between Living World and Flame & Frost

Game Director Colin Johanson went on the official forums today to clarify the differences between the thought of Living World & Flame & Frost storyline.

Living World is really a broader concept, it is the assumption that Guild Wars 2 is (& will develop into more so) a really living gw2 gold game, where the world can alter and continually evolve going forward.

This will come in a lot of distinct forms. One example of stuff we've done in the past is new events, dungeons, guild missions, etc. being added that often widen the range of content and experiences. We want to keep doing on the whole of this with our world in the future, to in the main provide new exciting items you can discover and experience any time in Gw2.

A different form of this really is by way of special events, items like Halloween, Hunger Games, or Wintersday where content is obtainable for a period of time, is removed from the game when that period is over, & could appear once again in the future in quite a few form to help provide unique and fun experiences in the game world.

Finally, the storyline of this sort of content going into the world is often the "living story" in a sense for the game. We've got to try & theme our releases with storylines and principal characters in the game world that have exciting story arcs, a whole lot of the permanent new content, particular events, and so on. will all have these core story arcs that drive them in the Guild Wars 2 gold game world. Much like the story of Halloween drove around the potential return of the Mad King, storyline for our living world releases will play a sizeable part in the content that appears & adjustments the world as a result.

We want to make this a significantly larger part of where Gw2 goes in the future, to give a sense that the world truly can adjust mostly as you are playing and every time you login. What we've done with Flame and Frost so far can be an immensely little example of what we view the living world to be as a future possibility for Gw2. Items more along the lines of Halloween, Lost Shores, and Wintersday are more robust examples, coupled with the new events, guild missions, and so on. we've added in releases since launch.

The goal is to provide a unifying storyline to the world that ushers this new content into the game, adjustments the game, & makes the world feel genuinely alive. It's like every month your GM is running new scenarios for your gaming group to appreciate, or your favorite Tv show is airing new episodes to experience. We are really barely scratching the surface of what this concept could be for our game, & we'll be building way more in that in 2013.

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