
Complaining Air Attuning in Guild Wars 2

  Some GW2 gold players complained about the problem of Air Attuning in the forum. And that makes them annoying as they always receive bug reports in their inbox. What's more, these reports have nothing to do with the Traits.

  Anyways whenever you attune to Air from a different attunement, somehow you auto target the closest monster (red, yellow whatever) and shoot an auto-Fireball in Air (as he attuned from Fire to Air). This is clearly a bug, but it's very annoying because when you want to run and attune to Air you auto-attack a mob making you "in combat" which also means you can't run anymore. And that happens on Staff and Scepter.

  In addition, this never happens if he attunes to any other element, not even from Air.

  And that not only happened for one player, many Guild Wars 2 gold players had the same experience when they were playing the game.

  If you use a non attack skill (like: windborn speed) or attunement swap while having a mob close to the centre of your screen (your target area) and within attack range you auto target it and shoot your auto attack (mostly skill #1 of your current attunement).

  Some players have tried to use Ctrl + Right Click to for turning off auto attack. And you need go manual on this build or aggro everything.

  And I think something could to be done with the auto-targeting function. We hope ArenaNet will fix it as soon as possible. - See more at: http://www.gw2gold.net/news-info.html?n=6071&c=97#sthash.xX82Ob1y.dpuf

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GW2 Colin Johanson explains differences between Living World and Flame & Frost

Game Director Colin Johanson went on the official forums today to clarify the differences between the thought of Living World & Flame & Frost storyline.

Living World is really a broader concept, it is the assumption that Guild Wars 2 is (& will develop into more so) a really living gw2 gold game, where the world can alter and continually evolve going forward.

This will come in a lot of distinct forms. One example of stuff we've done in the past is new events, dungeons, guild missions, etc. being added that often widen the range of content and experiences. We want to keep doing on the whole of this with our world in the future, to in the main provide new exciting items you can discover and experience any time in Gw2.

A different form of this really is by way of special events, items like Halloween, Hunger Games, or Wintersday where content is obtainable for a period of time, is removed from the game when that period is over, & could appear once again in the future in quite a few form to help provide unique and fun experiences in the game world.

Finally, the storyline of this sort of content going into the world is often the "living story" in a sense for the game. We've got to try & theme our releases with storylines and principal characters in the game world that have exciting story arcs, a whole lot of the permanent new content, particular events, and so on. will all have these core story arcs that drive them in the Guild Wars 2 gold game world. Much like the story of Halloween drove around the potential return of the Mad King, storyline for our living world releases will play a sizeable part in the content that appears & adjustments the world as a result.

We want to make this a significantly larger part of where Gw2 goes in the future, to give a sense that the world truly can adjust mostly as you are playing and every time you login. What we've done with Flame and Frost so far can be an immensely little example of what we view the living world to be as a future possibility for Gw2. Items more along the lines of Halloween, Lost Shores, and Wintersday are more robust examples, coupled with the new events, guild missions, and so on. we've added in releases since launch.

The goal is to provide a unifying storyline to the world that ushers this new content into the game, adjustments the game, & makes the world feel genuinely alive. It's like every month your GM is running new scenarios for your gaming group to appreciate, or your favorite Tv show is airing new episodes to experience. We are really barely scratching the surface of what this concept could be for our game, & we'll be building way more in that in 2013.

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Looking to play GW2 need many info

Hi, I'm not positive if this is the best place to post these questions:

1) I am a westcoast player, is there any server that has more Guild Wars 2 gold players online all through PST timezone after work hours than others?

2) Are there any servers that stand out for any reason & might be advantageous? I personally do not need to be in a server that's dead or something, I'd like to interact with folks more regularly than not

3) Is the tactic guide for GW2 advantageous? I like guides personally, but is it beneficial?

4) So far I especially like the Mesmer and Thief classes, any pros & cons for each you can share that I may not not about however to decide which class to go to?


I'll answer 4 for you. I have a 80 mesmer (my main) plus a 80 thief (my second main )

First off let me say no matter the profession there are loads of distinct ways to play the same profession even with the same weapons. my mesmer traits are 20/10/10/30/0 (I cannot bear in mind what those lines are atm, but thats what they are) I also use a mixture of Energy/toughness/Vitality and Power/Vitality/Crit harm armor & accessories. For weps I have sword/pistol & Greatsword. For utlities I use Blink, null field & Feedback. As for trait perks, I can not don't forget those atm. One or two notes with this establish, I do incredible damage, have remarkable survivablity and can solo camps in WvW with no trouble. (nearly soloed a tower once, however folks came & joined me, I also once solo catapaulted down outer bay wall and inner to 70% before I was discovered, however thats more to stupidity of the enemy then my class )

Basicly my build is a balanced 1 created to give me fantastic damage (I have only 9% crit rate and 41% crit harm) and good survivablity without making me into a pansy bunker create that can walk by way of a supernova but not kill something. one on 1's I practically never lose and in a defense or an attack I am there moving around the front lines and the back taking people down and getting lots of kills (rolled over 10k yesterday)

For Combat, PvE or PvP is a big question.

PvE I can basicly let my clones/phantasisms do all the work. They generally keep the agro of mobs which implies I usually don't need to move around dodging unless the mob/boss has aoe or I just feel like it.

PvP I can get up close & personal with folks or remain in the back with my greatsword. Feedback is my favourite utlity skill (reflects projectiles back at shooter and is a combo field), when used on a zerg you will see all kinds of numbers fly and a large number of occasions a well placed feedback can turn the tide of a battle. (I've thrown it out and brought on an overall zerg to lose half its HP and then my guys wiped them) Nullfield is extremly helpful too, it removes all conditions from you and your allies, while removing boons from your enemies. Whenever I encounter Dagger/Dagger Elementalist or a Guardian I drop nullfield & kill them as they lose all their boons.


Thieves have a good deal of different builds to them as well, however right now the most prevalent I think is the near perma stealth develop which I do not use and is about to be nerfed to nonexistance That being stated, my thief is dagger/dagger and pistol/pistol. I acutal use energy/precession/toughness armor and power/vit/crit harm accessories. It gives me more HP and more toughness than most other theives while my traits are 30/30/0/0/10 & so I nonetheless do remarkable damage, the 15-20k crit hits that glass cannon thieves get I don't (I get eight-12k fairly commonly although) although I also have much better survivablity & I don't rely on stealth to survive. I can stealth, but I often only do so when I need to escape or just finish a person off. I use sigil utilitys (I think that is what they are called) for energy, precession & Speed & dagger storm elite, which is just astonishing.

PvE combat is a peice of cake (which may be stated while playing any professions genuinely) You could bleed them out conveniently with death blossom #3 d/d skill or burst them down by way of backstab and pistol bursts. Especially few points give me difficulty (just champions & group events I solo) Once again though mine is a more balanced thief, glass cannon thieves can kill more swiftly, by can't take a hit.

PvP combat with my balanced build I'm a different sort of thief in WvW. I do great damage nonetheless, nevertheless I can take a hit & it throws a large number of players off when they hit me & my hp doesn't disappear. Then I get the choice to hit back or stealth & do even greater harm.

A lot depends upon what you find fun in the Guild Wars 2 item game on if how I play would be fun for you, or in the event you prefer distinctive builds. By no means am I saying my builds are the only ones or the proper ones, they are what I prefer and help me get fun out of playing. The only misguided method to play is the way that you do not have any fun.

I will say do not anticipate to be excellent at a profession right away. Dieing is ok. Even though I have been playing since beta I still die for stupid factors (in most cases jumping from factors I should not). I also wasn't magicaly good at my professions, my builds continuesly evolve as I learn more or switch things up as will yours. If you try a create out and don't like it Do not just throw out the toon and start over. You can 100% modify your create with very tiny cost, just by talking to a trainer. So try things out by yourself.

And I am on Darkhaven in the event you are nonetheless attempting to find a excellent home, we have trolls yes, nevertheless we predominantly keep them in Lion's Arch so do not let them get to you.

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My Guild Wars 2 account was terminated, what can I do?

Well, decided to test out the new PC & try GW2 once more after not playing for a variety of months. I almost certainly played the game for 3 weeks, stopped, account got hacked, reset password then never played again. Now I loaded it up, patched, and logged in to the Guild Wars 2 gold game to find my account is terminated.

I am unable to open a ticket because my account is disabled. Navigation on the site runs me in circles, has anybody had this happen to them and how did you resolve it? Countless troubles from this game alone, never a number of in other games I've played.

Are you, by chance, a member of a fansite or guild web-site that is committed to GW2? The majority of account hacking by gold farmers is by attacking fan sites, which are FAR less secure than the game's and organization's servers, getting usernames and passwords, then just attempting them out in game and hope they find a match.

I remember that that dude, MarkeedDragon, managed to get an interview with a Chinese gold farmer hoping to rat on his employer. (His name was witheld for obvious causes.) Said farmer explicitly stated that the above mentioned methoed was the number one way that his company obtained accounts, the second was from buyers who gave them account details, and the third was social engineering. (I could be inaccurate about those last two... correct me if I'm misguided.) He also stated that GW2 gold farmers almost NEVER try to hack the game company itself, as most of their networks are far too complicated to crack, & too closely monitored, to warrant the time & effort. (While ther are exceptions. *cough*Nexon*cough*)

To paraphrase, if your acount gets hacked, there's a 99.99999999...% chance it's a PEBCAK error. Either you use the same account name & PW for far more things than you will need to, or you trusted an individual with facts they need to not have actually been trusted with. While each of these are understandable, you must nonetheless know better and ought to not be suprised when these negative security habbits come back to haunt you.

In case you in a nut-shell bought income from a gold farmer... well, don't anticipate any sympathy. You should know better.

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Guild Wars 2 devs debate 'all the time' about if the game is too complex

Guild War 2's developers debate irrespective of whether the game has developed into too convoluted "all of the time," following the game's countless additions post launch, lead Isaiah Cartwright recently told Forbes.

Speaking with the publication, Cartwright explained that this discussion is specifically bolstered by the quantity of Guild Wars 2 gold game currencies.

"It is a debate we've here all of the time, in particular when it come to the quantity of currencies which are around," Cartwright stated. "It really comes down to once you want to reward a person for doing a specific sort of gameplay. For the reason that we've been adding a good deal of reward tactics, we have noticed an improve in the amount of currencies out there."

Cartwright added that the team is reaching an end to how many methods they can add. They'll instead continue to work on the strategies already in place.

"I need us to slow down on the number of systems that we are adding and polish up & clean up the ones that we have added so they are less complicated to realize, with better UI for them, those sorts of points, that'll be some of the stuff that we're focused on in the future," Cartwright stated. "1 of the considerable objectives of GW was to allow any person to jump in & play. We have a team committed to making confident that it is simple, and we are going to continue to boost that process as much as we can."

Guild Wars 2 launched in August 2012. The 3rd installment of the four-part Flame and Frost storyline, The Razing, is at the moment slated to launch March 26.

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This really is way too casual for me

I had amazing expectations for GW2; however this game is taking casual gameplay to the extreme. Nothing is even remotely tricky.

I can not tolerate culling and lag so WvWvW is out of the question. The downed state lowers the skill cieling in sPVP too much. What I mean by that is 1 player cannot defeat 2 or 3 players in a 1v2 or 1v3 situation. I got to Fractals 40+.... yawn...

Explorable dungeons are particularly poorly designed. They're straightforward and unrewarding too. The open world PVE is so mind numbing that you can auto attack any NPC to death; even those world event dragon bosses. I feel like I'm losing IQ and becoming stupid the more I play this Guild Wars 2 gold game.

I was questioning if any people were like me; frustrated by how easy the PVE is and how bad the PVP feels?

Dungeons are not easy, they are a sheer mess since they didn't need to use the trinity process, which ended up being a flop quickly, and it even spawned a brand new type trinity (which is just the old trinity made I guess more 'flexible') to make it a little better. Nonetheless something that I do not get what they were thinking with it, it should be troublesome by taking skill, not by being a sheer mess with modest you could do about it except having a excellent group make up... kinda like you were attempting to NOT do by making it more gratis without the trinity.

However yes, the game is way too straightforward. Dodge appears to be the reason to simplify the skills down enormously and in contrast to games with simpler combat like Diablo 2 or PoE, theres little to no customization which genuinely detracts from gameplay. It's exceptionally casual, one of the easiest games I've played for certain when it comes to sectors that aren't just a mess (dungeons) but thats not nessisarily a negative thing either.

Men and women are allowed to appreciate a casual game, a few men and women aren't enormous on convoluted gameplay and as such GW2 gold isn't too negative. Personally I find it to be my least preferred AAA MMO in ages nonetheless that doesn't mean men and women can't get pleasure from it either. I just think principally it needs to really give casuals more to do as fluff & make 'grind' less of the 'do this same task a variety of times' deal.

Sure, I feel its exceptionally over-rated and its rather very casual friendly, yet heck, there is no problem with that. There are those who like it so let them appreciate it. Just for the reason that its casual it does not mean its bad. I might recite stuff that I feel wrong with the game but can you claim that its focus on casual is negative as a valid point? Not genuinely.

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What you can do with ascended rings?

As most of our Guild Wars 2 gold players may have many ascended rings, and they do not know what they can do with these rings. Therefore, how to deal with these rings is worth paying attention.

First, I think you should make them able to be turned in to an NPC for some sort if currency that you may purchase things like packs of materials with or something else.

Second, due to all this ascended gear currently can't be sold on the TP and they possibly can't even be salvaged, although it would be wise for you to give it a go before you decide to merchant them. Here I think if you have the space. Hang on to them for a bit just in case any changes are made in the future that would make them useful. It's like some of the superior useless signals in my bank. They can't be forged and they aren't worth very much when sold. So I'm waiting to see if there will ever be a patch that allows them to be forged.

Regardless, congratulations on getting too numerous ascended trinkets. Some people are still working hard on outfitting one toon with them, let alone having enough for their troop of alts.

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Guild Wars 2 cuts the charge of combat - ArenaNet remove paid PvP

Today marks the release of Guild Wars 2′s much-teased second Flame & Frost update, The Gathering Storm. The patch not only adds guild missions, a brand new PvP map as well as a continuation of the Guild Wars 2 gold game's Living Story, although also brings a modify to paid PvP tournaments. Primarily, it removes them, instead relying on a more robust matchmaking system that will govern the remaining free tournaments.

"One of the reasons we to begin with introduced Paid Tournaments was to generate a place for hyper-competitive, incredibly adept GW2 gold players to find matches with other players of comparable skill, leaving the Zero cost Tournament procedure available for more casual competitive play," explains ArenaNet's Tyler Bearce. Now that the matchmaking program can accurately place players of a comparable skill level, that paid tier is no longer critical.

After the update, 1-round & three-round free tournaments will be available, each with a separate matchmaking rank.

Bearce notes that any remaining Tournament Tickets can now be exchanged for Gold, Silver or Copper reward chests at the Ticket Merchant NPC, next to the Tournament Master in Heart of the Mists.

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