
GW2 why the story implementation works(for me)

One of the items I dislike about MMO questing is how it on the whole tries to make you the hero inside the main game world, with everyone else doing the exact same save the world quests right along side you. GW2 I feel solves this by taking that aspect & making it optional & absolutely instanced & leaving the world quests to actually make sense in a way that everyone can do them & not have" you" as the center of it all.. Confident not everyone cares or notices this kind of factor but to me its immensely helpful with overall immersion. I personally don't delight in when" you are the one" is the center focus of a MMO in general...whats everybody else's feelings on this?

If I had a mine shaft, I don't think I would just abandon it. There is got to be a better way.

I like that they give you the option to decide on to do the story or not. Myself I like how each races and choice upto the Claw Island part let you kinda make your own path nevertheless even after Claw Island the story honestly does take you on a journey that tells a exceptional story with it. Most of all though the choice to follow the story after the start of you time in the world is what makes me like it you decide in case you need the story or just play the gw2 gold game.

And even without the story itself theres a ton of lore you study just by reading this or that in the game from gave stones to plaques to books even theres alot of story without.

Personally, I listened to the very first few pieces of dialogue and I skipped to the end on all the rest. It started out boring, so I did not bother with the rest of it.

I would like this if they had gone all the way with it. But after being declare the "Hero of...." hthen asked by a commoner to perform menial tasks....it just creates a disconnect.

Either have me be the hero or don't have me be the hero, but there has to be several type of agreement there.

I personally like being quite a few kind of Hero. It elevates the importance of the Guild Wars 2 gold game's adventure to me. If I am just going to play an average joe, then you want to make the story fascinating adequate that I do not feel like what I am doing is a chore I might just do in genuine life.
In the end, I am playing the game to play something I would fantasize playing.

Release a game with a really large established fanbase from 10+ years of bnet history when the industry was still emerging and the casual base had not yet been established, so ripe for harvesting a momentious self perpetuating playerbase people never leave because they have X hours invested in their characters, & their friends and everyone else plays anyway. Not discounting Blizzard quality... although WoW's success is as much about ideal timing as it is quality, if not more so. - Derros

