
Any class you disliked at launch but enjoy now?

At launch i tried a bit of every class and even though I played all the BWEs i didn't know the combat system very well. Now months after release I have tried all classes to at least 30+ and have a much better grasp of combat and combos and playing support.

Now is there any class you played at launch that didn't click but now you love it?

For me it's easily mesmer. I have found so far this is probably the most versatile, customizable, and enjoyable class of them all. The things I can do on my memser most of my alts would have no chance at all(at my skill level that is heh)...I have changed my overall playstyle every 10 or so levels since I started playing it and closing in on 60 I have about 8 differences builds I want to try once I open the last line of traits.

Also going the other way I really enjoyed warrior at launch but honestly find them the most boring class of them al nowl:P

My necro is getting more dull as I lvl. He got a big boost at lvl 30 and he has been spinning his wheels since (75 now). My warrior is 30and a wrecking ball with fun weapons and seemingly interesting build choices. My 80 ranger is fun and has a nice variety of build choices. I def think the necro and engineer need a big fun injection of all the classes Ive tried (havent tried guardian or mesmer).

When I first started the game I hated mesmer and levelled my elementalist to 80.  Shortly after 80 I began to hate everything about elementalist and left the Guild Wars 2 gold game for a few weeks.  After returning I though I would reroll a mesmer and see how it is, now I love the class and it has become my main.  I tried to get back on my elementalist after a few months away and after a half hour hopped back to the mesmer.

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