Guesting coming to Guild Wars 2 on January 28: free server transfers to cease
1 of the frustrating parts about MMOs is often when your friends ignore your advice & start playing on a absolutely diverse server the one you're on. Those jerks! Well, be angry no more as Guild Wars 2's 'Guesting' feature is launching on January 28, & will let you successfully just pop in to their servers and run around with them like standard... with a few restrictions.
For 1, WvW is out — try to jump into quite a few WvW and you'll be booted back to your own server. And for a further, guesting only works within the same region, so if you are on a European server you can not guest onto a North American server. You could also only guest on up to 2 worlds at a time: each time you guest on a world, that gets to be one of your eligible guesting worlds for the next 24 hours. Once those 24 hours have passed, you could guest on a distinct server.
As a result of guesting becoming active, gratis world transfers will cease to operate. "Be sure that you'll be on the world you intend to play on before January 28th," writes ArenaNet, "because after that date, you'll are compelled to pay a gem fee to transfer worlds."
Take a look at all of the details & details on how guesting works over on the Guild Wars 2 gold site.
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