Guild Wars 2, Flame and Frost - Synopsis
Flame and Frost Prelude is the name of the patch released by the end of January, what I genuinely like about this patch is that is full of modifications & new stuff. It looks like Arenanet is taking the fun points about Guild Wars 2 & enhancing them for our own joy, or at least my own enjoyment.
I am kind of happy with this update, it takes away some annoying items and it also add more beneficial stuff, like the guesting strategy plus the day-to-day quests rotation. It's outstanding to know that I do not have to keep doing the same routing every day anymore. I heard that several men and women is complaining about this, but do we genuinely need to do the same friggin thing over & over once again? I thought some folks no longer do the daily quest for the reason that is repetitive and boring. If that's true, we need to give the new daily rotation a warm welcome.
There is so much stuff in this patch, fractal improvements, the guesting method, a new form of currency (the laurels), bug fixes, graphical updates, optimizations & a few tweaks in our skill-sets repertoire. I am glad that Anet is taking the correct direction on this 1, a whole lot of skill bugs are no longer there and many exploits are gone! I know it is not perfect, yet the balancing is taking the correct direction.
The patch notes are virtually endless!!! Nonetheless one of the most notorious points going on in this patch is the new Living Story.
Anet is introducing a brand new concept in the gw2 gold game, a onetime only event, something that will happen once and it will adjust the game world in a little way, I know that it sucks when you miss such events, but if it works fine, chances are that Anet is going to release more of this kind of events.
We are doing something in the history of GW2, not just doing the same event & stories rehashing that everybody else is doing. Put another way, we are doing something that gives us a sensation of meaning, or at least it does to me. The only factor that concerns me is that Anet mess it up at many point with many nasty 'To Be Continued' in the Living Stories, no spoilers plz... We know that life keeps moving forward, so do not tell us what we're going to do in the next quest after we finish the first 1.
I will dare to that this patch, is one of the best patches ever made for any Guild Wars 2 gold game. It's incredibly logical to notice that many factors in game are altering for excellent.
Guild Wars 2: Interview with Colin Johanson - quests, PvP and Balancing
In an interview to Guild Wars 2 Colin Johanson talks about ArenaNet's plans for world PvP, PvE, the group search and balancing.
Guild Wars 2 Game Director Colin Johanson has an English-language website gave an interview in which various contents of the game are subject. About balancing there's little concrete only the statement that the team will continue to keep an eye on the professions and makes adjustments where necessary. What is certain is that the damage from area attacks is reduced. For World PvP plans ArenaNet new possibilities of command for the Commander. In addition, the WvW by successes, titles and ranks more interesting.
In PvE, the loot system is adapted. In addition, Orr undergoes a small revision. There should be some new events and permanently usable waypoints. Find a group, as it exists in other MMOs is, in Guild Wars 2 does not work automatically in the future. The team is working on an internal solution. The group search should only have a supporting character, as the players continue to seek to form a group. The original article on the interview about Guild Wars 2, you read at MMORPG.com. For more information about Guild Wars 2 gold, get on our topic page and our colleagues at gw2gold.net.
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Flame and Frost for Guild Wars 2
End of January 2013 a prologue for a multi-part event called Flame and Frost appears as an update that plays within Guild Wars 2. Developers Arena.net plans, among other changes in tournaments and successes.
Arena.net has recently published an overview of the planned changes in Guild Wars 2, the developers are now concrete. They terminate on 28 January 2013, the publication of an update on that is a kind of prologue for a series of events called flame and frost. The act to be continued for several months.
In addition, new success laurels are planned as a reward for daily and monthly achievements. This currency can buy in-game items, such as pieces of armor and infusions. To wait every day changing events with daily rewards dependent on the gw2 gold player. There are week-long battles, two team PvP tournaments and a new PvP map and improvements in balancing, for example, an improvement in performance at the World-vs-World mode, adjustments to the weighting for the Sidekicking and improvements to the interface.
The planned "play as guest" mode lets players of Guild Wars 2 gold in the future to play with friends in other worlds of their own region, without having to change the home world.
Guesting coming to Guild Wars 2 on January 28: free server transfers to cease
1 of the frustrating parts about MMOs is often when your friends ignore your advice & start playing on a absolutely diverse server the one you're on. Those jerks! Well, be angry no more as Guild Wars 2's 'Guesting' feature is launching on January 28, & will let you successfully just pop in to their servers and run around with them like standard... with a few restrictions.
For 1, WvW is out — try to jump into quite a few WvW and you'll be booted back to your own server. And for a further, guesting only works within the same region, so if you are on a European server you can not guest onto a North American server. You could also only guest on up to 2 worlds at a time: each time you guest on a world, that gets to be one of your eligible guesting worlds for the next 24 hours. Once those 24 hours have passed, you could guest on a distinct server.
As a result of guesting becoming active, gratis world transfers will cease to operate. "Be sure that you'll be on the world you intend to play on before January 28th," writes ArenaNet, "because after that date, you'll are compelled to pay a gem fee to transfer worlds."
Take a look at all of the details & details on how guesting works over on the Guild Wars 2 gold site.
Watch The 'Guild Wars 2' Halloween Trailer
Celebrate Halloween in Guild Wars 2.
I have been playing a bit of Mists of Pandaria lately, and the World of Warcraft universe is decked out in pumpkins & distinctive (& occasionally exceptionally frustrating) quests.
However it looks nothing at all like what ArenaNet has planned for Guild Wars 2 this coming week. As I noted last week, The Shadow of the Mad King brings new quests, festivities, and a range of other features to the MMO.
And it all looks quite lavish and haunting.
The teaser trailer does a excellent work conveying the festive spirit of the event - spooky & corny in the same way that the rest of the gw2 gold game is an odd melange of astounding terrain, dire battles, and all sorts of cheesiness.
The Halloween event begins tomorrow and runs by way of the 31st.
Christmas in Tyria must be intriguing.
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Guild Wars 2: Better rewards in the open world planned
The reward system in Guild Wars 2 will be expanded. A simplified hunt for the coveted weapons blanks but is not currently on the agenda of ArenaNet. Instead, ArenaNet wants to implement better rewards in the open world.
In the forum of Guild Wars 2 is game director Colin Johansen has commented on the current work on the reward system. Especially the hunt for weapons of blanks, which are necessary for the construction of the legendary weapons heated, partially the minds of the Guild Wars 2 gold players. The team at ArenaNet has already announced some time ago that they want to make the hunt for the rare blanks easier and want to give players the opportunity to hunt specifically desired item.
Johansen, however, explained that the team is not currently working on a new system for hunting weapons blanks. Over the next three months, so there will definitely be no simplification in the search for the rare items. Therefore, the development team potters but for improved rewards in the open world. In addition to weapons-R will be available in the future in other ways in the game. Some changes are coming the way already towards the end of January on the server.
In the coming week will see a detailed blog post about the changes to the reward system, which explains all the details in detail. Here you go to the forum of Guild Wars 2 For more information about buy Guild Wars 2 gold, get on our topics page or our colleagues of the below site:
ArenaNet cracks down on Guild Wars 2 cheaters, bans 34,000 accounts
Guild Wars 2 publisher ArenaNet is rather serious about stamping out cheating in its fan-favorite MMORPG, and alongside a enormous rash of player bans the company has decided to outline its anti-cheating gameplan.
Cheaters have already been the main scourge of hugely multiplayer online games since the subgenre first emerged. Guild Wars 2 is no exception to this truism, and since its debut in August publisher ArenaNet has been scrambling to come up with a viable plan to prevent lazy gamers from ruining the experience for people that hope to enjoy Guild Wars 2 gold the way its developers intended.
The most problematic group of cheaters for practically any hugely multiplayer title is most definitely the "botters." These are players who use third-party program to automate their character's in-game actions. This gets to be a big issue for MMO creators, as most of these games heavily rely on lengthy, involved quests & item collection tasks to artificially lengthen a game's potential shelf-life. What a player can accomplish in a single-player roleplaying game in a matter of minutes usually takes hours in a massively multiplayer game, nonetheless by offering players periodic rewards, these otherwise tedious activities are in a position to release a burst of dopamine inside a player's brain, hence keeping him or her playing (and keeping the game's creators wealthy adequate to continue development on the title & make a nice profit as well). In automating these tasks, botters efficiently remove all the less exciting, effort-filled bits of the game and instead skip right to the neat end-game content, or, if they're pro's, they may use this method to pick up huge lots of in-game items which can then be sold for real-world cash, either through legitimate or black sector channels. These would your stereotypical "Chinese gold farmers."
Given the impact this can have on a publisher's bottom line (not to mention the rage other players could feel at discovering that their peers are cheating), ArenaNet has decided to publicize its recent decisive strike against the legions of botters. In a lengthy post lately added to the official Guild Wars 2 internet site, the game's security coordinator, Mike Lewis, lets players know that during the month of November the company banned a whopping 34,000 player accounts because of reports of botting & other activities strictly outlawed by the game's end user license agreement. Further, he claims that the overall population of botters in ArenaNet seems to be shrinking — though, to be fair, he also notes that this coincides with a lower in the game's overall player population. In accordance with Lewis, ArenaNet monitors global bot activity inside its game and since October the standard quantity of botters active at any given time has dropped from over 2,000 to "a way healthier 20."
Lewis then goes on to thank the game's remaining players for their efforts in reporting botters to ArenaNet before outlining the system the publisher has in place to combat this dilemma. Have a look:
Collecting and analyzing data is very crucial to us at ArenaNet. Data is the most potent weapon in our arsenal against bots. We have gathered enormous quantities of info about the habits of both normal players & automated bot players. We contracted a team of data specialists to help us create comprehensive tools that comb by way of this data and find effective ways to single out and terminate bot accounts. Automating this process has been a major focus of the ArenaNet security team, & we're now seeing the considerable fruits of this labor.
One other way we identify and combat bots is by means of manual observation. Our GM staff is equipped to monitor the game around the clock and detect bots from within the game itself. We have a considerable task force assigned to patrolling the world & eliminating bots, together with helping us continue to boost and refine our automatic detection tools.
Last however not least, we are in a outstanding position to monitor and investigate bot reports as they arrive from players. Aided by our analysis tools and strengthened by manual investigation as necessary, GMs are able to react rapidly and effectively to bot reports & terminate offending accounts in brief order.
Whether ArenaNet is prosperous in its crusade against botters remains to be noticed — no MMO to date has been able to absolutely wipe them out — nevertheless at least it has a plan and is working toward making the online title that a good deal more friendly for individuals that just need to team up with a group of friends to kill extraordinary creatures. Fans can not genuinely ask for more, however we wonder if these efforts will be adequate to stem the slowly-growing exodus the gw2 gold game has noticed since launch.
Guild Wars 2 game director teases 2013 content updates
The Wintersday event has wrapped up and Guild Wars 2 players will be wondering what is in retail outlet as far as new content is concerned in the months ahead.
Game director Colin Johanson jumped in with an update for players which indicated that there are going to be a number of bigger content additions inside the next 3 months.
Just to help supply a number of clarity on this, we'll be releasing within the subsequent couple of weeks a high level summary of our major plans for the very first half of 2013 to help provide more transparency into our plans with the game going forward. This will include providing more details about our ambitions for the Guild Wars 2 gold game, facts about the stories & features that you'll see in the Jan/Feb/March releases.
To set expectations accordingly, the January release will be a reasonably modest release that sets the table for the stories and features we plan to roll out with the Feb/March releases & beyond. Also, there will be no new race, profession, or new region with these larger Feb/March releases. 1 of our major goals with these releases is making our existing world as powerful as doable, ensuring there are causes to go to all the locations in the world we've already built, & strengthening the core game we've provided. In saying this will be an expansions worth of stuff in these releases, we are talking about the number of new features that will be rolled out across PvE, WvW, & PvP in early 2013, which commonly you'd only find in an expansion for a time-honored MMORPG.
More details and specifics to come in the subsequent couple of weeks, but I hope that helps provide many more insight into what to anticipate at a tremendously high level.
In other GW2 news, ArenaNet has handed out bannings for players who were taking advantage of a crafting exploit which allowed gw2 gold players to create an endless supply of ectoplasm with snowflakes. This undermined the game's economy, however it has left a few players a minimal perplexed that there was no genuine warning and it need to have already been spotted as a predicament by the developers before it hit the servers.
ArenaNet's Gail Gray posted to clarify why the bans were handed out.
I've noticed the numbers, plus the damage to the economy might have actually been substantial, if the exploit wasn't closed down & if these folks were allowed to use their ill-gotten gains. Men and women whose accounts were terminated were the worst offenders. I'm talking a great deal of ill-gotten gains that posed a substantial potential impact on the economy.
Any time you take 1 factor & can make two, and then four, and then sixteen... ya gotta know that is just inaccurate. (I will not quibble on the odds, however overall, that form of doubling was not outside the realm of possibility.) & to perform that action hundreds & hundreds of occasions? That is call "exploitation," & that's against the User Agreement, the Rules of Conduct, and all that is holy.
I know the OP will disagree. Although we've been more than kind, in the past, and everybody desires to own up to his/her errors & recognize: We all are part of the game economy, and individuals that exploit it are hurting the rest of us.
Exploit closed.
Worst offenders terminated.
That is what has to happen to make points right for all of us.
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Guild Wars 2 News Web site Gives Players Finest Source of News & Recommendations for GW2
Guild Wars two has definitely exploded onto the MMORPG scene since its release just many short months ago. The game has received rave reviews from gaming mega-sites like Metacritic, Eurogamer and Escapist Magazine. Its even been named one of the greatest and most visually appealing Computer games of 2012 by a large number of of the industry's most respected authorities. There is no doubt that among the wave of MMO failures we've noticed in the past year or so, Guild Wars 2 is here to remain.
Upon the release of GW2 a brand new web-site created to give gamers news, suggestions & guides for the gw2 gold game was launched. GW2Guidez, a privately owned gaming blog that focuses exclusively on Guild Wars 2, is now among the greatest sources for Guild Wars 2 news , recommendations, tricks and guides for items like leveling, crafting and character builds.
More often than not speaking, it could be difficult to find a weblog that is worth following when it comes to well-liked games. Quite a few are written with poor spelling or grammar, a number of lack any content that's worth reading after which others are just the thoughts & ramblings of players. GW2Guidez is the genuine deal, although. They provide the most up-to-date news concerning updates to the game, tips for leveling up any class speedily, guides to getting all crafting professions to level 400 and much, much more.
The builds discovered on this web site alone make it a impressive source for GW2 players. GW2Guidez provides tons of solid, robust builds for each class and for each role: DPS, tank, support, etc. They even supply video explanations of each generate to help Guild Wars 2 gold players better understand how the make works, why they selected the weapons & traits for the develop and so on.
If you are a Guild Wars 2 player and you want the extremely latest info about the game and a good resource for helping you strengthen your gameplay, level faster, rack up gold and master the game, GW2Guidez.com is the number 1 site to reference.
About GW2Guidez
GW2Guidez is a enormous resource of Guild Wars 2 news for players who wish to grasp more about the game, its upcoming content updates, realize how you can boost their GW2 characters and a lot more.
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