
Guild Wars 2 Searching for Group tool to be introduced by ArenaNet this year

Guild Wars 2 is well-fed with players, and grows more rotund by the day. However its land is even larger, and Guild Wars 2 item players have clamoured for months concerning the need for a Looking for Group tool - something to point their wizards and warriors in the direction of populated sectors, where they can team up with others to smash centaurs or pick apples or whathaveyou.

Developers ArenaNet have already been making meaningful noises on the subject for a little while, though only yesterday confirmed that an in-game strategy will be in place by the end of 2013.

In reply to a thread entitled, 'Is LFG even on the radar?', ArenaNet game director Colin Johanson exclaimed: "They're indeed!"

"As we have announced previously, we have got a team working on an in-game LFG tool to be released later in 2013."

A lot of 4 months earlier, content designer Robert Hrouda closed a poll thread on the official GW2 forums, stating: "We're investigating & working on improving our group finding tool.

"While we definitely appreciate the thread, I'm just going to lock & close it seeing as how you are voting on something we're already interested by."

Right now, a sizeable chunk of the Guild Wars community are relying on 3rd-party service GW2LFG to find appropriate parties. Nonetheless an in-property effort would by its very nature bring more Guild Wars 2 gold players into the fold. Are you holding out for ArenaNet's tool?

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