
GW2 Behind The Scenes

ArenaNet's Cameron Dunn discusses technical challenges in creating Tyria

If you can't get enough buy Guild Wars 2 gold and like taking a peek behind the curtain to see how your favorite game is made, this one's for you.

GDC Vault is a treasure trove of information, collected over years of presentations from Game Developer's Conferences held around the world. While most content is available only to past GDC attendees, they also release a smattering of great stuff for free.

The latest entry in the free column is a talk by ArenaNet programmer Cameron Dunn entitled "Guild Wars 2: Programming the Next Generation Online World." He gave his talk last month at GDC Online in Austin, and it's a real treat to watch.

Buy gw2 gold at gw2gold.net.


Guild Wars 2: ArenaNet reflect on Lost Shores event, reveals future plans

Guild Wars 2 saw The Lost Shores event kick off last week to a range of technical issues, and developer ArenaNet has discussed the event’s performance in a new blog update, as well as laying out the studio’s next objectives for the game. Check out what they had to say below.

PCGamesN reports that ArenaNet’s production team head Chris Whiteside thanked the game’s fans, “We’re very excited about the new content, and from the reactions we have seen, so are many of you. gw2 gold players have already spent an incredible amount of time in the new Fractals dungeon, and their reaction to it has been phenomenal.

“A lot of players really enjoyed the trailblazing aspect of unveiling the new Southsun Cove map, specifically the feeling of discovery and being part of the land grab. Having said that, we’re also aware that there were certain aspects of the event that could have worked better than they did.

“At ArenaNet, we always try to push the boundaries of how we build online worlds, and we thank you for your patience and collaboration as we pioneer into unknown territories. We’ve seen people saying that they really liked the principle of using events to unveil new content, but we need to tighten up the methods by which they are deployed.

“We take these comments to heart, as it is our goal to always deliver content of the highest quality.”

What new content you ask? Well Whiteside also revealed a list of objectives the ArenaNet team will tackle going forward, including the studio’s frequently suggested attempt at tapping into the eSports sector. It’s coming.

Here’s the full list of objectives:

Revamping all of our existing dungeons (Story and Explorable versions) through rebalance and overhauled encounters.
Adding new dungeons to the Fractal of the Mists.
Adding more variation to creatures, enhancing our open world scaling system, as well as evolving many events and experiences across Tyria.
Fixing and improving existing content throughout the game, and better tying it into the overall sense of player progression within Guild Wars 2.
Building on the Southsun Cove’s persistent content.
Adding new Guild content and Guild progression features.
Continuing to evolve PvP into an E-sport
Adding brand new content to World vs. World as well as adding new reward progression.
Continuing to build upon the story and adventures of buy Guild Wars 2 gold .


Guild Wars 2: only two employees working on PvP? - Developer clears confusion in forum

The forum Guild Wars 2 developers write down everything of interest to the community. But sometimes it can lead to confusion. When it seemed as if only two developers on balancing PvP and buy Guild Wars 2 gold work, explains game designer Jonathan Sharp to this false position now.

Some time ago was game designer Jon Peters made a statement in the Forum of Guild Wars 2, which provided for confused faces. Game designer Jonathan Sharp explains the confusion now. By Jon Peters' post participated in some players that currently are only two people on the balance of PvP and Guild Wars would work the second The Jon Peters said, however, quite different from what has occurred in the community over. To rectify this misinformation, Jonathan Sharp gives an insight into the development studio and explains who is working on what.

Shall work in PvP, WvW and Balance Team of course more than just two people. Behind the scenes of ArenaNet sit many programmers and designers that are used in various fields. For PvP and WvW there one team of programmers, designers and many others. While some changes for an entire team is needed, you need to change only two other people. So it is for example possible to design a card on their own for the PvP, which is then again brought into play by a different developer.

For the team behind the game balance of Guild Wars 2, it also requires some other people. Changes and innovations are developed, tested and delivered to different teams. Relates to a balance adjustment, the PvP, this change ends up forcibly in PvP team, amendment the WvW, it lands sometime in WvW team until everyone is satisfied. Alongside these major groups, the heads of the respective teams meet in a meeting where a lot of changes will be discussed and talked about the problems and interests of the community.

Jonathan Sharp is betting that the contribution to be able to pick up the confusion in the forum, and to show the community how run the entire developments. Finally, he says that even if you notice no change once, it does not mean that there was no change. The developers can not relate any changes to individual players and tries to make as many players as possible happy. Whoever is still confused, can the Forum of Guild Wars 2 See the rest of the postings by Jonathan Sharp. For more information about the gw2 gold game can be found on our topic page for Guild Wars 2 Please also visit our partner site Wartower for more news about Guild Wars 2.


Guild Wars 2 Free Trial Event is Live – Invite a Friend

From the Guild Wars 2 official report that free trial event has begin now, invite your friend and go now!

Our free trial event is now live and it’s not too late to invite a friend to experience Guild Wars 2 for free!

Trial gw2 gold players who upgrade to a full Guild Wars 2 account before the free trial ends at 10:00 PM PST (7:00 AM CET Nov 19) on November 18, will receive a bonus Booster Multipack, a handy in-game item packed with handy consumable boosters.

Inviting a friend is easy: just log in to your Guild Wars Account at https://account.guildwars2.com/, click on the “Invite a Friend” button and follow the instructions.


Guild Wars 2 - The Lost Shores

ArenaNet has announced a new event for Guild Wars 2, which is already taking place in a few days. "The Lost Shores" should therefore be a unique event and change the world of Tyria sustainable.Buy guild wars 2 gold players will compete in a brand new island with a new monster species, which provides a sneak peek teaser video.

The Lost Shores held from 16 to 18 November 2012 instead.


Guild Wars 2 - Free trial version is available from Monday

ArenaNet has announced in the official Guild Wars 2 Forum these days that "The Lost Coast" one in the course of the upcoming content update will also provide a free trial option is available, invite your friends, and to enjoy at this gw2 gold game.

The "Invite a friend" option from Monday, November 12th. You can play with three players. During "The Lost Coast" events of 15 to 18 November play for free. Further information and details ArenaNet will announce yet, once the action starts - no later than Monday. In the meantime you can ever think about who you would like to send an invitation.

To participate in the campaign, you need a playable Guild Wars 2 account, before the 6th November (08:59 CET) was created.


GW2: Mobile Authenticator problems? ArenaNet is clear

Since early October, players can secure their Guild Wars 2 account with the so-called two-factor authentication for mobile devices. In the course of the log must be a six-digit number to be entered, which is obtained via the free app. Starting this week,buy guild wars 2 gold players watched now that they are partly at login no longer be asked for this number. ArenaNet also commented on this behavior and was now clear.

The Forum Players reported since the update from 05.11.2012 that they are no longer needed as before at each login to the six-digit number, but can log in without a code. Security Coordinator Mike Lewis also commented on the topic now and calmed the player first, by emphasizing that the accounts are still protected by the mobile authentication.

But how did it come to this changed behavior now? Lewis says they've developed "Save this network" is a function of the mobile device authentication, which is compliant with the network settings feature of e-mail authentication. This feature was enabled during the update from 05.11.2012.

With each account to which had already been selected for a network noted the Mobile Authenticator would respect this setting now. It is therefore a log from a single location, which you have stored on the e-mail authentication already, no number input would be unnecessary. The account is still protected by the mobile authentication still prevent access from unverified sites.

Currently there is not yet have a user interface that you could manage your wishlist networks. Lewis advises all gw2 gold players to have to remember it by networks over the e-mail and exercise in the near future on the mobile authentication caution. The complete article you can read on the official forum of the game!


Guilded: Top Ten Things To Do After Level 80

Level 80 is the ultimate ding in Guild Wars 2. What's next? The hollow existential silence that reverberates after a Tibetan prayer bell? Or is this when the party starts? My Engineer just hit level 80 in the icy waters of Frostgorge Sound, which officially puts me into the endgame. Since I no longer have the convenient draw of the next level to pull me through buy Guild Wars 2 gold , why would I keep playing? Glad you asked. Here are the top 10 things I'm looking forward to doing after you're level 80.

Elite Skills

The benefits of leveling up don't end at 80! Hitting the level cap won't unlock all your skills. Fortunately, you're still earning experience points as you play. As you fight, explore, quest, and craft, you still fill that bar at the bottom of the screen. Each time it gets full, you earn another skill point. You'll need a bunch more of these to get your expensive elite skills, which are determined by your choice of class and race. For me to get an Engineer's mortar and a charr's bazooka, I've got about 40 faux levels to go. 

Get More Skill Points

I can also get skill points by doing the skill point challenges in the world, displayed on the map as chevrons. These are a bit like collectibles or hidden coins, but you have to work for them. They're guarded by bosses or jumping puzzles or even riddles. Open your map. Look at all those hollow chevrons waiting to be collected! Every one of them brings me that much closer to my mortar and bazooka.

Skill points are the currency that buys special items for the Mystic Forge.8) Spend Skill Points

Okay, so looking ahead into the future when I'm merrily mortaring and bazookaing my way through the world, I'm still not done with skill points. Skill points are the currency that buys special items for the Mystic Forge. You know the Mystic Forge, don't you? It's like a cross between a Horadric Cube, a lottery-ticket dispenser, and a treasure-eating trash compactor. It hates you. You throw perfectly good stuff into it and it usually spits out junk. Except for those rare times it spits out something useful. Which means you're foolish enough to keep throwing in perfectly good stuff. But the key to the Mystic Forge is the stuff you can buy from Miyani in Lion's Arch, and she'll only sell it for skill points.


Guild Wars 2, role-playing game ever

One of the best multiplayer role-playing games ever. This is a summary of Guild Wars 2, an experience fantasy without limits to the imagination and the situations they face: the world in which you are to move and grow your character is huge, and it can appear confusing. But the epic of Guild Wars 2 or more simply the number of things to do and see wins of any doubt. The game world immediately catches and appears different from that provided by competing products. Sometimes there is some "bug" out but nothing that disturbs the adventure and the missions, however rich overhead tasks to accomplish. Much appreciated the fact that the game does not require subscriptions to be addressed, but only the purchase price. The fund technical level, but a well-equipped PC it certainly helps. In the final Guild Wars 2 is one of the best Massive Multiplayer Role Playing Games have never been published and is recommended to fans of the genre but also to novices.

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GW2: Guild Wars 2 reserved names released on 08/11/2012

Prior to the release of Guild Wars 2, players had to have the opportunity to choose their character names from Guild Wars for Guild Wars book second Even then, ArenaNet announced that remain not been utilized names permanently reserved. Now, the developer also gave a precise date is known, where all unclaimed names are released.

How ArenaNet announced now on the official website of Guild Wars 2, are reserved and unused names from Guild Wars! Next Thursday, the released 08.11.2012 by 23 clock

You have reserved a name from Guild Wars and not created a character with this? Then you should tackle this now, before it's too late. If you are waiting on the other hand, a reserved name, the wait is almost over.

Tags: buy guild wars 2 gold;gw2 gold