Guild Wars 2 : FOV changes and beta test
We’re ready to beta test a change to our FOV (Field of View) that should provide a better experience for those with widescreen monitors. We want your feedback about the change to help us decide whether to deploy it to all gw2 gold players.
To help test, you’ll need to add a special command line to your GW2 client’s shortcut. Here’s how:
1) Create a shortcut to your GW2 client (right-click -> “Create Shortcut”)
2) Right-click the GW2 client shortcut
3) Click “Properties”
4) Locate text field labeled “Target.”
It should contain the file path of your shortcut, and will look something like this:C:\Games\Gw2\Gw2.exe
5) Type -testVerticalFov at the end of the Target line
Be sure to include a space between .exe and -test.
The line should look like this: C:\Games\Gw2\Gw2.exe -testVerticalFov
Please note that your Target line may or may not have quotation marks. If it does have quotation marks, this tag should go outside of them. So it will look like this:
“C:\Games\Gw2\Gw2.exe” -testVerticalFov
6) Once the command line has been added, click Apply -> OK.
7) That’s it! Jump in and play with this new setting, and post your feedback in the following thread: https://forum-en.guildwars2.com/foru...rst#post551648
If at any time you want to return to the old FOV, simply remove the –testVerticalFov from your target line and it’ll return to normal.
read this: http://goliterature.info/index.php?do=/blog/16938/arenanet-announcing-guild-wars-2-for-mac/
SteelSeries NCsoft and organize a special evening
To celebrate the release of Guild Wars 2 and its dedicated range of peripherals, SteelSeries and NCSsoft invite fans to join them for a wonderful evening, Friday, November 2 at the Space Opera Milk from 20H00. This evening called "GW2 - The ball beginners" will allow everyone to try the famous Guild Wars 2, to take charge of the mouse or the SteelSeries, both the image of Guild Wars 2. Throughout the evening will be lots of gw2 gold games and goodies will be distributed. Finally Legion War Legend will also go to share his knowledge with beginners and grow while having fun. On the occasion of this great community event, all players of Guild Wars 2 will bring a (e) € friend who does not know Tyria to share and to discover his favorite game. Participating is simple. Simply send an email to community_fr@ncsoft.com before October 28, 2012 at midnight with the following information: • Title of the e-mail: Paris Games Week "GW2 - The ball beginners' • Your first and last name and your account name Guild Wars 2 • The full name of your friend (s) • The reason you want to discover the Guild Wars 2 (te) Friend (s). 60 "pairs" winners will be invited to participate in this very special event. Thank you note that only certain people can come to this event to the specified date are invited to participate. If a winning duo had to miss the event, he will face the ancestral dragons for a courtesy visit ...!
Guild Wars 2: changes to the structured PvP in October Update
In October update for Guild Wars 2 will come some changes and new features for the structured PvP. Among others, there are adjustments to the interface and for the paid tournaments.
At the start of Guild Wars 2, not all features of the structured PvP was so much that they made it into the gw2 gold game, but the developers of ArenaNet will gradually adding features to enhance the gaming mode. Thus, in future come to a few improvements to the fans of the structured PvP. Among other things there with the October update the qualifier points (QPs), over which the teams in the paid tournaments secure a place in the rankings. Thus, each member of the winning team receives a paid Tournament each a qualification point you bring in the rankings ahead. The new ranking also ensures that you have to the next tournament play against stronger opponents than before. Other features and changes to the qualifying points in Guild Wars 2 will come with a later update.
To allow players of buy Guild Wars 2 gold to make it even easier to find your way in PvP, the interface gets treated to a few changes. The tournament browser now shows you the map rotation and rewards for that tournament. In addition, you can via the crossed swords icon on the top left in your interface directly access your sPvP statistics. The table also points after each completed game to the ranks of the heroes. So you can you get a clearer picture of where you stand in sPvP and how well you've beaten you against other players. To other features and changes to the self-created arenas will still worked according to ArenaNet. All further information about Guild Wars 2, you'll find on gw2gold.net.
Will World Of Warcraft Get A Spectator Mode?
Many online games have spectator modes to allow you to watch the action without actually participating. World of Warcraft wow gold players have been clamoring for a similar feature, and this weekend Blizzard decided to respond.
"Unfortunately as far as I’m aware we don’t have any current plans to implement such a feature any time soon, we know that some players have been asking for spectator mode to be added to arenas for quite a while now," said a dev post on the Battle.net forums. He added that this feature would require a lot of development time so the team would need to be certain that enough players want it before they work to implement it.
There are potential spectator mode applications for both PvE and PvP. I'm sure plenty of people would love to watch raids, arenas, or ranked battlegrounds in real-time. It would be a good way to newbies to learn the ropes. Alternately, people sitting on standby for a raid wouldn't miss out on the experience.
Still, spectator modes require certain controls. As one wow gold player points out on the forum thread, spectators leave open the possibility of unfair advantages. You would have a leg up in a battleground if you had a friend on Skype watching enemy movements. Likewise, imagine having a raid leader who's able to simply watch the fights and give instructions without having to worry about playing his own character. Another player suggested that the spectator mode have a short delay (like 20 seconds) to wipe out these advantages. Blizzard responded favorably to this suggestion.
World of Warcraft avatars pirates kill during an attack
Hackers have launched an attack on several cities in World of Warcraft, killing avatars many players. Blizzard has already taken steps to ensure that such an operation could be repeated.
Hackers were killed in a surprise attack some fictional characters of the famous RPG Online World of Warcraft , said Monday, 8 October 2012 an official of the wow gold game "Earlier today (Monday) Some kingdoms were affected in a feat of arms by the death of characters active and non-active characters in some major cities, "said an official on a blog community of Warcraft, Blizzard Entertainment property. "This action has already been countered, so it can not be repeated. You can continue to play and venture safely in cities or elsewhere in Azeroth, "said the manager of avatar whose name is" Nethaera ". "We (the action) very seriously and are conducting a investigation, "she said. The company apologized to its users and asked anyone in possession of contact information. The attack began on Sunday, according to the members of the online forum WoW Insider. Approximately ten million people worldwide are subscribed to this network wow gold game, planted in a medieval fantasy world, where players are represented by characters such as dwarves, elves or humans. The new expansion World of Warcraft , released in late September, expands the universe of this production including adding a new continent and a new species resembling a panda .
WoW: kill video by Blood Legion will of the emperor in heroic 25-player mode
The U.S. Horde guild Blood Legion defeated the will of the Emperor, and thus completed the final boss of the Mogu'shangewölbes. Win it from your video is seen today.
With her win on Sunday, the WoW gold guild Blood Legion of US-Illidan server sat in fifth place of the World rankings in the current raid progress for Mists of Pandaria. The first guild of their realms, they defeated the will of the Emperor in heroic mode. Thus, they continue to remain in the top ten.
The will of the Emperor has been defeated only 14 guilds, 12 times in the 25-mode and twice in the 10 mode. Only last Saturday Method reached the "World First Kill" as a 25-raid group. That much of the guilds have is to report by 30 October wait until the next set is released to normal raids for wow gold players masses. Then the battle for the next World firsts goes to the next round.
Maine Republicans blast opponent for World of Warcraft play
LITTLETON, New Hampshire (Reuters) - A Maine Senate race has turned into a fight over trolls, dwarves and goblin-like creatures known as orcs.
In a mailing this week, state Republicans accused Democrat Colleen Lachowicz of living in a fantasy world and making "crude, vicious and violent comments" in online forums dedicated to World of Warcraft, a popular online wow gold game.
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